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Inspired Stories based on History, Science, and known Truths for Edutainment.

Bengy Tales are a series of graphic novels (long comic books) that follow the adventures of a typical 12 year old boy names Bengy. Some of these adventures will occur in the past to showcase a particular time in history. Other stories will follow his adventures as a normal inquisitive kid as he explores science, society, relationships, and the general world around him. He will be joined by his friends and joined by his parents, teacher, pastor, as critical mentors.

Bengy Tales are created to be enjoyed by children as well as adults with a child-like heart. The captivating stories provide educational learning through entertainment enjoyable in the home. The books are also suitable for use in public, private, or home school settings accompanied by lesson plans created to help teachers get the most benefit out of the learning experience.

While 3 adventures are currently in production, the tales of Bengy are intended to continue to expand year after year.

Product Categories

Bengy Tales stories will fit in one of the categories listed below.


These adventures follow Bengy during different historical events.


Bengy explores the world of science, math, and the living world.

General Education

Bengy journeys into the worlds of sports, civics, business, and other general knowledge subjects.

Lesson Plans

Bengy Tales provides educators with lesson plans and other resources for use in public, private or home schooling.

Products in Production (2024 Release)

The following stories are planned to be available as part of the initial Bengy Tales product launch in in 2024.

Bengy, the Pilgrim


This epic tale follows three generations in Bengy’s family. The quest for freedom begins in tyranical England where the family is oppressed for their beliefs. They must escape to Holland to escape the gallows and survive. Then they must journey to a new world on the Mayflower to secure a new life. However, Bengy learns that he must sacrifice almost everything to establish America’s first freedom based, republic colony.

Bengy meets a Fire Breathing Dinosaur


Like all young boys, Bengy loves dinosaurs. One day he argues with his friends that fire-breathing dragons are real. To learn the truth, they ask their teacher to show them the truth.

Bengy opens a Comic Store

General Education

Bengy loves comic books. He wants to sell some of his old comics so he can buy the new one he wants. With the help of his friends and his teacher, he learns about opening up his own hobby business to do this.

Wave 2 Products (est. 2025 Release)

The following stories are planned to be released as part of wave 2 in 2025.

Bengy joins the Knights Templar


Bengy travels with his family on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. His caravan is attacked, though only he survives due to the heroic fighting of a Knights Templar. In gratitude, he volunteers to be a squire in the most chivalrous order of knights that ever existed.

Bengy saves the First Independence Day


Bengy is intrigued by all the men who have come to Philidelphia in the summer of 1776. He learns of their purpose in crafting a document to declare independence from England. Though only a small boy, Bengy’s inquisitive nature and innocence may be just the inspiration the Founders need to complete the Declaration.

Bengy learns the Age of the Earth


Bengy visits a History museum on a school trip and gets multiple conflicting information on the age of the earth. After the field trip, he asks his teacher to explain the true scientific evidence for the age of the earth.

Bengy vs Evolution


Bengy visits a History museum on a school trip and is told that all living life on earth evolved from a rock. In his innocence, this makes no sense to him. After the field trip, he questions his teacher who explains creationism versus evolution.

Bengy learns to use Math

General Education

Math is useless. Every kid, especially Bengy, knows this. That is until his knowledgeable teacher shows how math is critical in sports, comic books, and every other aspect of his young life.

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